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  I've attached my Classroom Observation Tool COT rating sheet from my synchronous teaching observations of Classroom Observations 1 and 2 limited face-to-facewith indicator 5 highlighted. Reference: Branstetter, R. Click here to post a comment. This good intercultural communication fundamentally requires intercultural rpms downloadable template 2022 - rpms downloadable template 2022, an understanding that different cultures have different standards and norms. ORTIZ JR was able to manifest microsoft 2016 bagas31 caring attitude and respect for his colleagues during various school activities and tasks in the preparation of limited face-to-face classes. This can help them plan and organize problem-solving According to Branstetterwhen you label a student with a learning disability, this creates a problem- they hold lower expectations. Furthermore, the activities I've provided for them used an inquiry-based approach, allowing them to explore more ideas about the most important learning competency MELC. In my experience, when my students struggle with one topic, I will create a plan that includes extra practice, step-by-step directions, and particular homework. All the feedback from the superiors will take it больше на странице and constructively to rpms downloadable template 2022 - rpms downloadable template 2022 my teaching and best practices. I received a 7, and it is clear that I give importance to indicator 3, which is effective verbal and nonverbal classroom communication strategies to support learning understanding, participation, engagement, and achievement. ❿  

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When compared to print materials alone, videos provide a more engaging sensory experience. Learners get to see and hear the concept being taught, and they can process it in the same way that they process their daily interactions.

My Classroom Observation Tool COT rating sheet from my synchronous teaching observations of Classroom Observations 1 and 2 limited face-to-face is attached, with indicator 7 highlighted. My ratings are 7 because I have created learning environments that encourage and inspire students to participate, cooperate, and collaborate in lifelong learning.

Here are some photos from my observation that show the learners' active participation. My MELC-based lesson plan employed the collaborative approach, which entails students working together on small activities or learning tasks in small groups to ensure that everyone participates. This activity uses the jigsaw and think-pair-share methods, as demonstrated by my MOVs. Students in the group may work on separate tasks that contribute to a common overall outcome, or they may collaborate on a shared task.

Objective 8 Applied a range of successful strategies that maintain learning environments that motivate learners to work productively by assuming responsibility for their own learning. For objective 8, I chose Set A. Various strategies I used in my lesson plan are highlighted as evidence of this. I used visualization in the form of pictures, audio clips, and videos to encourage my students to get out of their seats and participate in classroom experiments.

Cooperative learning promotes small group or whole-class activities that encourage students of varying abilities to collaborate. Furthermore, inquiry-based instruction is one of the approaches that poses thought-provoking questions, inspiring your students to think for themselves and become more independent learners. To ensure that no one falls behind, students are differentiated based on their abilities.

Incorporating technology into your teaching effectively engages your students, particularly 21st-century learners. Combining these teaching strategies would help me motivate students to work productively by taking responsibility for their own learning.

My MELC-based lesson plan employed the various teaching strategies, which motivate the learners to strive more and reach their full potential. Highlighted are the activities which I employ the strategies in teaching that I find compelling and effective based on the MELC.

Objective 9 Designed, adapted, and implemented teaching strategies that are responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness, and talents. Use any local or official language that you are comfortable with. Use extra sheets if needed. Please limit your response to words. She also has troubles following instructions and skips activities when left unsupervised.

Action Taken: You had a conference with her parents and found out from them that Clara was diagnosed with a learning disability. How will you modify the instructions for Clara to keep her focus on classroom activities?

Write your reflections in this form. Mention in your reflections a specific learning disability that you are familiar with or have researched on.

To have a student like Clara is a challenge that a teacher must surpass. Teachers must know that their learners walk into their classroom with a wide range of gifts and try to find ways to meet their needs, including those with learning and thinking differences. Given the situation like Clara, as a Mathematics Teacher, I will utilize differentiated instruction, especially in my subject area, where students tend to use critical thinking skills.

In my experience, when my students struggle with one topic, I will create a plan that includes extra practice, step-by-step directions, and particular homework. Scaffolding is also an option. These breaks learning into chunks. These chunks follow a. I usually form a bridge between what my learners already know and what they cannot do independently. In Mathematics, it can be charts, pictures, and cue cards.

In my subject area, mathematics, Graphic Organization is the best use for my teaching process with learners who have difficulty understanding. I draw a picture to map out my thoughts and ideas. It can help the students, especially the younger students, with activities like counting and solving. This can help them plan and organize problem-solving. According to Branstetter , when you label a student with a learning disability, this creates a problem- they hold lower expectations.

In turn, the student may live up to these low expectations. Although students with learning disabilities tend to struggle with lower achievement and have negative beliefs about their academic abilities, some researchers point out that it is difficult to disentangle what is causing these challenges. With my few years in teaching, encountering situations like Clara is not a surprise at all.

What I am doing is focusing on the sea of strengths around the islands of weakness. It is essential for students with learning disabilities to feel good about themselves. I could all take a lesson from my students on a positive mindset. My students with special needs gave me hope that I can cultivate that resilience and strength in all the students who come to me with diverse learning needs as an educator and parent. Branstetter, R. If Clara is my student, I will promote the least restrictive environment to combine settings that involve Clara with regular classroom and school programs as much as possible.

There are various options for changing exams in ways that are fair while also taking into account how busy teachers are. Another option is to design a method for observing the student often, even for a few minutes, and to take informal notes about the observations for subsequent review and assessment.

Also, enlisting the assistance of teacher assistants, who are often there to assist with a handicap, an assistant may usually complete a brief test or activity with the student and then report and discuss the results with the learner.

I encountered a student with a mild cognitive disability in my teaching career. This student was assigned primarily to classes specially intended for slow learners but participated in school-wide activities alongside non-disabled students. I also designed an individual educational plan for that student considering his strengths and needs.

Objective 10 Adapted and used culturally appropriate teaching strategies to address the needs of learners from Indigenous groups. Evaluate the appropriateness of the activity to your learners. Write your response in this form. Directions: For your assessment, research on the following roles in your community by asking your parents or anyone with knowledge on these roles.

Choose from Set A and Set B. Explain why these are important roles. Education is regarded as a human right in and of itself and an essential tool for achieving other human rights and fundamental freedoms. It is the door through which economically and socially underprivileged people can rise beyond poverty and fully access the resources they need to engage in their communities fully. Education is becoming more widely recognized as one of the best long-term financial and social investments a country can make.

Indigenous children and adults can exercise and enjoy their economic, social, and cultural rights with the help of appropriate education. It also improves their ability to exercise civil rights, allowing them to have a more significant say in political policy decisions that affect their human rights. As a result, education is critical for the enjoyment, preservation, and transmission of indigenous cultures, languages, customs, and knowledge.

The given assessment above will provide the learners with their choice. This intercultural approach will boost positive community life between individuals from various cultures and religions by focusing on individuals as a central element and holders of rights. This good intercultural communication fundamentally requires intercultural awareness, an understanding that different cultures have different standards and norms.

Intercultural communication is crucial in school and education because it prevents bad teaching. Objective 11 Adapted and implemented learning programs that ensure relevance and responsiveness to the needs of all learners. As subject teachers, we are encouraged to take action by doing remediation and intervention program. This objective aims to support student learning through teacher initiative by implementing a remediation and intervention program.

Students who participate in the program will be determined by the learning outcome assessment LOA per quarter and the number of SF9 failures. The intervention program will focus on the least mastered competency LMC. Teachers can use different strategies depending on the learning modality, whether limited face-to-face, online or modular distance learning.

This activity was indicated in the action plan, with the expected outcomes being complete cooperation from parents and teachers and improved 21st-century mathematics skills. As a mathematics teacher, I have used my self-created video lessons, contextualized, and localized learning materials, or the self-learning kit as their learning materials to catch up with the lesson they find challenging.

Attached are evidence of my efforts in addressing the academic gaps, needs, and challenges of my students in my subjects.

Fundamental master basic -Crafting of Operations in mathematical localized both -To support the project, -Addition operations. This and project, the school will LEarning will assist them asynchronous be monitored and MAthematics in online class evaluated. During the coronavirus pandemic, teachers were forced to adapt their traditional teaching methods for classes that now occasionally take place online.

Teachers are reducing learning standards, ditching answer-getting tests, and supplementing instruction with math games and apps.

They're also reaching out to parents for help and looking for new ways to engage students through screens. During this online summit, readers will have the opportunity to ask questions about how COVID has affected math achievement, instruction, assessment, and engagement.

It is true that learning mathematics at home is extremely difficult. However, modular distance learning is the modality used in our school, but we have begun online learning for those students who are capable and have a gadget and an internet connection at home. As a result, I find it difficult to reach out to my students and provide them with the necessary support and intervention from my subject. Learners who will undergo remediation were identified based on the results of their learning outcome assessment LOA on their initial grade of their written work and performance task scores.

Based on the data, many of them require intervention. I strategize by dividing them into groups. Group A will be made up of online students, while Group B will be made up of modular students.

As a result, I must plan two different strategies for reaching out to them as effectively as possible with the support of their parents and guardians. I will conduct an online remedial session for online students or allow them to watch video lessons created by me for Group A.

On the other hand, Group B will be given simplified learning activity sheets during the distribution of modules. At the same time, those who cannot be contacted will be scheduled for home visitation. I monitor my learners once a week as I take record of their scores and improvement in my class.

The outcome of the assessment was good. Eighty-seven percent of the students mastered the lesson or a total of Looking on the learners given intervention based on the number of failures from SF9, all of them passed the subject. Based on the hypothesis testing comparing their pre-test and post test scores, there is a significant difference between their scores in their pretest and posttest.

Thus, I could say that the intervention is effective. Finally, the academic success of our students is entirely in our hands. Of course, this would only be possible with the full cooperation and support of all stakeholders. Even a small effort will mean a lot to them, and you will be able to make a difference in their lives.

Objective 12 Utilized assessment data to inform the modification of teaching and learning practices and programs. Attached here is my sample class record in mathematics 8 as I keep assessment data of my learners divided into two components: the written work and performance task. I developed an intervention program for a specific most essential learning competency. I implemented this program to identify learners with learning gaps, as evident in the Accomplishment report attached.

Please include your e-class record. Cover the name of the learners. Show how you identify the least mastered skills using e-Class record. Specific MOVs for you! As you can see, I took my class outside of the school to visit my students and give them instructions and lessons. As a result of this, I've been able to create and sustain learning environments that are responsive to community contexts.

This is part of my initiative to conduct a remediation program as part of my "Project AKAP" to improve my learners' academic performance and skills.

In addition, I have attached screenshots of communication to parents seeking permission to conduct the activity, which was approved by my principal or school head. Reviewed regularly personal teaching practice using existing laws and regulations that apply to the teaching profession and the responsibilities specified in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers. Add your personal reflection.

To demonstrate the impact of my regular review of my personal teaching practice using existing laws and regulations as evidence for Objective 14, I have attached pictures as MOVs showing that as part of my routine, I started my class with a prayer, as stated in Section 4, Article 11 of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.

This states that a teacher should always acknowledge the Almighty God as the guide of your own and the nation's destinies. I always presented the grading rubric to students to know what was expected of them. A copy of my e-class record is evidence of adhering to generally accepted practices for the academic mark and promoting learners in the subject that I handle, as stated in the same Article of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.

A code of ethics can assist teachers in creating a safe, productive, and positive learning environment throughout their teaching career. Teachers are expected to maintain high expectations to help all students reach their full potential through meaningful and inclusive participation in the classroom, school, and community.

The Ethical Principles promote good relationships between teachers, students, and parents when making educational decisions.

Furthermore, through this relationship between students, parents, and teachers, all parties can improve teaching and learning activities and resources, thereby improving the outcome of the individual's education.

Furthermore, the Code of Ethics encourages teachers to use current data and professional knowledge to improve classroom teaching and learning activities. Professional development and continuing education allow teachers to stay up to date on new trends and current information, giving their all to each student. Suffice it to say; I intend to pursue my dream of running and owning a school. Through the government curriculum, a school focuses on spiritual value and social awareness in society.

Later, this school is expected to produce students who are intelligent on the outside and spiritually mature. I'll go ahead and do it and see what happens. Complied with and implemented school policies and procedures consistently to foster harmonious relationships with learners, parents, and other stakeholders. These images depict our collaboration with the students and other external stakeholders.

The Local Government Unit, with the help of the Division Office, provided smartphones and tablets to our students to help them with their distance learning. The officers of the PTA also show their full support and cooperation. I served as the master of ceremonies and was a member of the committee that helped organize the program.

I believe that students actively construct and transform their own knowledge based on learnings and experiences. I firmly agree that not everyone fits the mold thus, student must be given differentiated activities and every opportunity to learn in different ways and in different pace. Then, considering these I must devise learning activities that will both challenge and enable each learner to think and progress.

With this philosophy, I must be aware of motivation and creative way of teaching and the effects of social interactions on learning. When it comes to learning theories, combining all of them, such as cognitivism, behaviorism, and reconstructionism, will lead to cooperative learning. Because I want all my students to achieve good grades, I give them the possible intervention and appropriate teaching strategy to cope with the least mastered competencies in my subject.

Because I understand that most of learning occurs through social interaction, I plan learning so that students collaborate and cooperate constructively with one another majority of class time. Teachers create and develop materials that are contextualized, localized, and suited with the needs of the learners. We will post more compilations of downloadable materials like this. Keep visiting our website for more updates or you may also follow us in our social media account.

Our team, the Teach Pinas Team, through this website , YT channel , and social media accounts has been providing free and accessible downloadable materials for teachers since then.

We aim to continue helping all teachers in this county, so we also ask for your support. If you want to receive instant updates directly to your device, kindly subscribe to our pop-up notification by clicking the notification bell icon at the bottom-right corner of your screen. More useful content is coming soon, so keep visiting! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Are you looking for something? Youtube Subscribe. All the information on this website is published in good faith and for general information purpose only.

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